5 ways in which clinics benefit from smart indoor maps

It sounds very digital and modern to have Indoormaps, but what are the real benefits of investing in such a platform?

As digitalization progresses, hospitals and clinics are always looking for innovative solutions to make its operations smoother while ensuring patient care. In addition to medical and research-related technology, clinics may benefit from new types of digital indoor maps to increase efficiency of each facility, fully exploit the potential of their building and, above all, reduce the workload of their nursing staff.

Terms such as indoor maps, digital wayfinding systems and indoor navigation have become an integral part of planning in the hospital environment. But what are the real benefits of investing in a platform like VIRTUAL TWINS? Aren't static maps or PDF plans enough?

Reduced costs due to improved patient and visitor guidance:

One of the key challenges for hospitals is to make it as easy as possible for patients, visitors and staff to navigate complex building structures. Here, indoor maps are the solution as they enable clear and intuitive routing. Easy orientation within the buildings enables patients and visitors to reach their destinations faster. This not only reduces the time required, but also minimises confusion and stress, thus contributing to improved patient and visitor satisfaction.

For staff, this means increased efficiency. They spend less time directing patients away and can devote more time to their actual tasks - nursing care. The reduction in interruptions leads to a much more effective way of working. In addition, fewer treatment appointments are cancelled as patients can reach their destinations independently and without detours.

Efficient use of resources for maintenance & facility management:

The preservation and maintenance of infrastructure is of crucial importance in hospitals. Indoor maps can make a significant contribution here. External service providers can use the navigation solutions to independently navigate through the buildings to carry out maintenance work and repairs. This minimizes the need to assign internal staff to these tasks and therefore enables a more efficient use of existing resources.

Pre-prepared routes for maintenance work can be made available. Service providers can plan their routes in advance and thus avoid delays. The combination of targeted navigation and prepared maintenance routes optimizes the entire facility management process and leads to clear time and cost savings.

Precise tracking of mobile assets:

Accurate localization of medical equipment and beds is essential for smooth hospital operations. Indoor maps that provide up-to-date information on each room and can display floors in 3D for cross-building orientation are the basis for functional asset tracking solutions. They enable precise tracking of important resources. This real-time information reduces the amount of time employees have to spend searching for necessary items. This creates space for an increased focus on patient-related tasks.

By optimizing the use of resources, hospital staff can work more efficiently and devote more time to the care and treatment of patients. Fewer assets need to be kept on hand as they can be found systematically. The implementation of indoor maps therefore helps to increase patient care and improve clinical processes.

Inclusion and barrier-free accessibility:

A hospital must be accessible to everyone, regardless of their mobility. Indoor maps make it possible to create special routes for people with reduced mobility or for staff transporting bulky medical equipment. These need to be kept up to date so that, for example, blocked elevators are displayed and alternative routes are automatically generated. These barrier-free routes ensure that all users receive customized navigation paths that meet their needs.

Comprehensive support through interoperability:

The integration of indoor maps in various places such as patient portals, the hospital's website, patient infotainment systems, native apps, terminals or room booking systems opens up a wide range of possibilities. This interoperability enables an efficient use of the platform. As a result, the advantages described do not just come into play in one place, but cast a wide net to support as many users in the clinic as possible.

It is clear that indoor maps and indoor navigation in hospitals and clinics not only serve to guide patients and visitors but also enable comprehensive optimization of processes and resource utilization. The implementation of this technology leads to better patient care, increased staff productivity and an overall more efficient and effective operation of clinics.

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